Monday, December 20, 2010
Wireless Intercom: Partner in Business
In emergency preparation, inspect the property from top to bottom and note the possible dangerous area, safe areas, and particularly the exit doors. After the thorough inspection, install monitoring or detecting devices such as smoke detectors. Then carry out the installation of the very essential communication system. Example of this system is the wireless intercom system in which can be use to notify people responsible for evacuation in emergency cases and inform them of the proper reaction to take.
The usage of a wireless intercom depends on how the building proprietor uses it. If utilize as an alarm system, it can be termed as evacuation emergency system. With the system in place, the residents can be made aware of the manner of emergency, the corresponding procedures to execute, and thus be guided to the correct exit routes. This can also be used to do emergency drills as a run through for everybody’s benefits and as a way to check the devices if everything is all in working condition.
For people with business building or an office rented, be sure to look into the safety standards the Occupational Safety & Health Administration (OSHA) provides. The OSHA has also given a recommendation to install a “Workplace Announcement System” which requires owners to have PA speakers. Adding these speakers to your wireless intercom can allow you to play recorded messages or broadcast live messages.
This wireless intercom system is an inexpensive alternative to use in emergency situations without sacrificing the safety of the employees. One must also follow the safety standards when performing the emergency evacuation particularly in business’ offices. Prior to purchasing safety equipments, go over your safety regulations and select the ideal device that meet with the terms. A wireless intercom is an efficient tool in aiding the evacuation of the tenants effectively to a safe place.
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
Emergency Call Box: Broadcast with MURS Wireless Public Address

MURS Wireless PA is compatible with any of the MURS products that make use of the same frequencies which need no license to operate. When worked together with MURS Commercial Intercom or MURS J-V110 Two-Way Radio, it is possible to program MURS Wireless PA so that only those with the proper code can access the device. With this programming, you can be sure that those who are allowed can only use the system. In addition, you can have a normal conversation using the MURS Wireless PA and your intercom or radio through a dedicated communication channel without it broadcasted.
You can have as many MURS Wireless PA receivers installed throughout the property so you can do paging or zone paging. Either have a code different for each receiver or use the “All Call” code so you can page all zones at the same time. Although with this feature you require the elective DTMF tone decoder set up in your MURS Wireless PA.
Having two loudspeakers installed in one MURS Wireless PA receiver can give you a wider area for coverage. One speaker can reach up to 100 feet away and comes with a cable of 25 feet. This cable can be further extended with the standard RCA phono cables and couplers.
Play Recorded Messages and Weather Broadcasts
Using your two-way radios in the same vicinity as your emergency call box speaker can make your system non-functional. To avoid this, you can have the receiver record the messages received and program it to play back messages over the emergency call box’s speaker once the person using the two-way radio has stopped talking and released the talk button. You only have 20 seconds to record your message.
It is also possible to broadcast emergency weather reports over the speaker to notify everybody. Simply program your MURS Wireless PA to tune in and receive the local NOAA weather from National Weather Service. Also, set your device to have the same frequency as your local weather radio.
MURS Wireless PA
MURS Wireless PA power on 110V and comes with a backup battery that would power the radio in case of emergencies such as power outage but only for a short time. You can also use the long-lasting external +12 VDC battery to power the emergency call box’s receiver and have it configure to maximize the battery life while in operation. In the event that AC power is not accessible, you can use the solar panel kit to power the device.
To get a wider coverage, you can install the optional external antenna. Have this magnet-mount antenna set up in a place of higher elevation. This antenna comes with a 25 feet cable for maximum coverage.
Usually the emergency call box receiver is not designed to be waterproof. However, there is a fibreglass reinforced polyester enclosure that is weatherproof for the receiver and antenna. This enclosure is for out-of-doors, short term use only.
For heavy traffic places that use MURS radios, the device comes with “2-Tone Decode” capacity. This feature makes it possible for the unit to accept pages coming from “2-Tone Encode” radios. Examples of radios having this feature are MURS J-V110 Two-Way Radio and MURS Commercial Intercom.
Installation and Programming
The MURS Wireless PA receiver does not need any human supervision after it is installed. Having this unit installed is less costly than having the wireless PA system. Once installed, you can use the MURS Channel 1 which is already programmed to the unit with the Interference Eliminator code of 01 just like other MURS Radios. Avoid programming this emergency call box except for enabling other features, although this device is programmable.
Sunday, November 28, 2010
MURS Radios: Usage of WireFree Doorbell and Intercom
MURS Radios’ WireFree Wireless Doorbell and Intercom will give a two-tone sound when the Call button is pressed by a visitor at the door which will then give similar tone throughout the house via WireFree Portable intercoms two seconds after. A house member would then reply to the guest through WireFree Portable by pushing the button Talk. The visitor has 40 seconds to talk without touching the button again but the house member has to press the Talk button every time he/she responds. The microphone of the MURS Radios will only be enabled for about 40 seconds before turning off thus cutting all sounds so you have to press the button again.
The difference between WireFree Outdoor Intercom and Wireless Doorbell is that you can’t make a call with the latter. In order to work, the person outside must press the Call button before someone inside the house replies by pushing the Talk button on the indoor intercom. Another difference between the two is that WireFree Outdoor Intercom does not come with hands-free, speakerphone type conversation unlike the Wireless Doorbell.
You can install a maximum of 11 MURS Radios WireFree Portable intercoms inside and once someone presses the Call button of the outdoor intercom, every indoor intercom will receive the doorbell tone as well. Either you can have a secure channel with the unit for private conversations or set it up in a Conference mode so everybody can hear the response.
Additional Uses
Having this unit can be very convenient when caring for an elderly patient or disabled person. However this will only work if that person can press the button even once. With this intercom, the caregiver can be summoned upon hearing the doorbell chime. However, the caregiver can’t contact the person under his/her care through the unit but this will not be a problem for the caregiver is generally a fit person that he/she can simply walk to his/her charge anytime.
The white-coloured outdoor intercom is usually mounted at the wall but you can have it mounted at the table top with some minor modifications. Simply buy self-adhesive vinyl bumpers that are normally used to keep cabinet doors quiet when closing, at your neighbouring hardware. Then you can stick five of these bumpers on the outdoor intercom’s bottom and place it anywhere you like without the problem of having it slide out of place.
Just remember that these MURS Radios units are not compatible with the units that are bought on January 2010 and backwards.
Monday, November 8, 2010
MURS Radios: MURS Callbox
Most intercoms need to be set up with wires that may run through a concrete or asphalt areas or over some extended distances that will cost you thousands of dollars, and the added nuisance of acquiring permits before the digging starts. Problems may arise with this kind of set up such as wiring unintentionally cut or the wiring goes bad resulting to doing the set up once again. To avoid all these troubles, get the MURS Callbox instead for a faster and cheaper installation. The MURS XT Callbox is compatible with any MURS Radios and gives a range of at most 1 mile in distance and more if you add an external antenna, as well as communication via 2-way voice from the call box’s location to the units of MURS intercom.
MURS Callbox, an outdoor intercom is especially made for heavy duty use such as in construction sites, motels or hotels, resorts, golf courses, amusement parks, campgrounds, parking lot (airports, business buildings, etc.), gated or locked entrances, warehouses, hospitals, college campuses, farm or ranches, receiving docks, and delivery doors to name a few for easy and convenient two way communication which is needed also for security reasons. This callbox is wireless therefore no wiring, remodeling, trenching, or the costly monthly payment that comes with phone lines installation is needed. The MURS Callbox of MURS Radios can be operated using 6 D-cell batteries (Ni-Cad or alkaline rechargeable) for simple and uncomplicated installation or you can get the elective external power supply.
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
MURS Radios: Why You Need One
MURS Radios are used to facilitate and make communication easier in your house and this is the foremost and fundamental advantage you can get with it. Calling a room specifically or one of the rooms and have a private communication is possible depending only on the individual’s preference and what they feel is right for them. You can also do long range communications with devices set apart in a distance. In addition, the MURS radios can be added with an external antenna to increase and boost the communication over a distance.
MURS radios can also be used for monitoring process. With this intercom, you can check your children’s activity and be able to keep in touch with them. When your kids are playing or just inside their rooms, you can monitor them with this gadget thus making it convenient for the parents. Not only can you monitor your kids with it, you can also take care of your parents through the use of the Monitor feature on a Built-In Home Intercom System installed inside your parent’s room to check once in a while it they need assistance or they simply can call you.
The intercom can make the household feel secure when they are inside their own homes. When you have a visitor, you can know his/her identity while they are still at your door so you need not get up or leave your work to open the door when a visitor knocks. The wireless intercom have a built in music feature that would distribute music throughout the house conveniently and this is very beneficial in case you want to put your property on the market for it adds value to the property.
Everyone wants to have privacy in their lives and with MURS radios this privacy that you crave is given to you. You can monitor everything happening in your property, those who enters or leaves his surrounding’s precincts is possible with this intercom. Having this installed in the house is very convenient and handy for those parents who have children in the adolescent age group living inside the house.
The intercom has a remote control that uses basic functions. This can be very handy for you can use the remote control to unlock the door and you do not have to leave your seat when doing it. There are also some intercoms that you can synchronize with your iPod, mp3 or palm tops to work with. Having MURS radios is simply convenient for you and your household’s lives.
Thursday, October 14, 2010
MURS Radios: Wireless Frequencies
If you want to get a new MURS radios wireless intercom system for your home or office, make sure that it is compatible with the other wireless devices you own or even of those of your nearest neighbour. Also, think of the requirement you need like the range and features when you choose MURS radios for your business.
Wireless Intercom Frequencies
The United States have many MURS Radios with wireless frequencies for unlicensed use and these are: 49 MHz, 900MHz, 2.4GHz, 5.8GHz, and Family Radio Service (FRS) band. Now the FCC has a new one, the Multi-Use Radio Service (MURS). Canada has the same radio frequencies as US with the exception of the recent MURS.
The frequency used when the first wireless invention was launched was the 49MHz frequency spectrum. This spectrum was used by the cordless telephones back then and even now with inexpensive baby monitors and low-end wireless devices. It can cover short ranges only with plenty of interference. MURS radios that make use of this spectrum are obsolete and in case you find them, you will surely ignore them.
After the 49MHz, products that use 900MHz spectrum were introduced to the public. Both the 49MHz and 900MHz MURS radios units are not secured and your conversations are heard by those using the same frequency. But with the newer digital 900MHz spectrum products your conversations are safe for the digital transmission is divided across frequency ranges. Comparing the two units using 900MHz, the digital spread 900MHz products have greater range. Found on the market are two wireless intercoms the least although just one uses the digital spread spectrum. The products that use this spectrum can converse up to 1000 feet.
Then 2.4GHz units were introduced. Many cordless phones and other products nowadays are of this range. With video intercom systems as the major users of this range but the one wireless video intercom was lately put to an end. In addition, the WiFi wireless data networks (802.11B/G) use this spectrum that is why products using this range can communicate with one another. Check out MURS Radios for more details
Thursday, September 16, 2010
Wireless Doorbell Intercom: How Wireless Doorbell Intercom Can Help You Secure Your Property
Advantages and Benefits
You can always open and look at the door whenever it rings, but this is extremely dangerous because several people have been victims of robbery and criminal acts while checking who’s at their doorsteps. Most of the intercoms out in the market come with a doorbell and one inside unit, others that have more than one unit for use inside so that you can have them in different rooms. With this new device, you can be sure of your safety as you press the button and ask who is outside. The wireless doorbell intercom has many advantages and benefits that can satisfy its users.
Less expensive
Extended range
Safety at home
You’ll know who’s at the door before opening
No wires, easy installation
Location can alter
Home Security
It is very essential for us to feel and be safe at all times, especially in the comfort of our own homes. This intercom serves so many functions in our daily lives but the most important is the safety that it brings us. It alerts you that someone is at your door and makes sure that you do not miss someone who is paying a visit. It lets you talk to the person outside so that you will know who is outside before you open the door, making it safer for you to receive visitors. A wireless doorbell intercom is very practical to ensure the safety of everyone else in your home.
Sunday, August 22, 2010
Emergency Broadcast Alert

University campuses and schools are places where having an emergency broadcast alert system is very important. Because these locations usually involve large areas of space, it is vital that the broadcasting systems used are powerful enough to alert people in all areas of the property as to the possibility of danger. It is also important that emergency messages are able to be delivered in real time so that people have the best chance of avoiding harm.
It is an unfortunate fact that man-made and environmental disasters do occur on a disturbingly regular basis. They are usually unexpected and they often involve unstable elements that can be difficult to predict. The danger may come in the form of a cyclone, a terrorist situation, a fire, a chemical threat or a whole range of other scenarios. This is why having emergency broadcast alert capabilities is imperative. Emergency response personnel must be able to get a clear message out to everyone on the property advising them of the action that is required.
In emergency situations, stress levels are significantly increased when the people in the affected area don’t know what’s going on. Raised stress leads people to panic and this can increase the level of risk and potential harm. By making people aware of the situation and what is expected of them, you can reduce the levels of anxiety and panic. When the people involved are calm and in control, they are then much easier to manage. Having an emergency broadcast alert can allow you to give clear instructions which then reduces the likelihood of hysteria.
One of the major advantages of a wireless emergency communication system is that it enables the message sent to people inside the building to be updated instantly depending on the particular situation involved. You can have a pre-recorded message that is suitable for fairly straightforward scenarios. Alternatively, the message can be sent from a handheld device if the scenario is more unpredictable and the regular emergency procedures need to be changed.
The large distances involved on university campuses and schools makes them well suited for wireless technology. Using a system of loudspeakers and message receiver units you can easily set up an emergency broadcast alert structure that covers the entire territory. The message can be sent from a handheld radio device to the receiver units over a distance of up to 2 miles, and this can be extended by adding extra antenna to the receivers.
This is much preferable to installing complicated hardwire systems over the property. Wires would need to be installed under the ground or through the walls in buildings and this can be a very destructive and time-consuming process. Wires also have the additional complication of being easily corrodible and prone to damage. This means that you may be faced with the additional expense of replacing worn-out wiring over time. Wireless emergency broadcast alert systems have very little ongoing maintenance costs which usually makes them a much cheaper option when considered as a long-term investment.